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Welcome to the New Energy Nexus application portal for California programs!

New Energy Nexus is an international organization that supports clean energy entrepreneurs with funds, accelerators and networks. We started in California and have expanded to operate programs in China, India, Southeast Asia, and East Africa.

This portal page is specifically for the CalSEED and CalTestBed programs.

Login information

Registration emails will come from smartsimpleadmin@newenergynexus.com. If you do not receive a confirmation email after registering, check your SPAM/JUNK folder.

For direct assistance with the CalSEED program, please email info@calseed.fund

For direct assistance with the CalTestBed program, please email info@caltestbed.com

Please be aware that some emails may be blocked or filtered into the bulk folder. To avoid these situations, add our email addresses to your Safe Senders List.

If you lose your login information, click the "Forgot Password?" link.